Introducing our Silk Tallit Prayer Shawls
These silk prayer scarves & shawls are of course hand dyed in our prophetic designs. These are made in heavy silk and are available in 5 sizes with or without silk tzitzit. We have designs specifically for prayer shawls but any of our gallery of designs can become a prayer shawl for you.

Sizes are
45″ x 108″ a full coverage wrap prayer shawl, fully wearable in many ways
45″ x 72″ a full coverage large prayer shawl
22″ x 72″ the most popular size of tallit/prayer shawl
14″ x 72″ a wide & large prayer scarf
11″ x 60″ a large prayer scarf
8″ x 72″ a narrow prayer scarf
11″x 11″ a prayer cloth or pocket square, handy to keep in your purse, pocket or bible
The tassels are a special request option. Please contact us to add on tassels to your order.